What Can a Woman Take to Help with Arousal?

Reviewed on 11/30/2022
Two seniors in bed together kissing
Women can take medications such as Addyi (flibanserin) and Vyleesi (bremelanotide injection) to help increase sexual arousal. Other aids that may help include massage, lubricants, and relaxing with a bath or meditation before sex.

Female sexual arousal problems, which are symptoms of hypoactive sexual desire disorder, are common and nearly every female will experience them on occasion. 

In addition to arousal, women also frequently experience problems with: 

  • Desire 
  • Orgasm
  • Sexual pain 

Medications women can take that may help women with low sexual desire include: 

  • Addyi (flibanserin) 
  • Vyleesi (bremelanotide injection) 

These drugs may be used in premenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder as characterized by low sexual desire that causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty and is NOT due to a co-existing medical or psychiatric condition, problems within a relationship, or the effects of a medication or other drug substance. 

Additional treatment for female sexual problems varies and depends on the cause. Treatments may include: 

  • Education to help women overcome anxiety about sexual function and performance
  • Enhancing sexual stimulation 
    • Masturbation
    • Changing sexual routines
    • Use of erotic videos or books 
  • Sensual massage
    • May create less pressure and anxiety surrounding sexual activity
  • Distraction to help ease anxiety 
    • Erotic or non-erotic fantasies 
    • Music, videos, or television 
  • If the problem is due to pain:
    • Vaginal lubricants 
    • Relaxation before intercourse (warm bath, meditation)
    • Changing sexual positions

What Are Symptoms of Problems with Arousal in Women?

Symptoms of problems with sexual arousal in women are characterized by: 

  • Inability to stay sexually aroused
  • No sexual response

These symptoms may be accompanied by: 

  • Desire disorders
    • Less desire for sex than previously
    • No desire for sex
  • Orgasmic disorders
    • Pain during orgasm
    • Inability to have an orgasm (anorgasmia)
  • Sexual pain disorders
    • Pain during or after sex

What Causes Problems with Arousal in Women?

Causes of problems with arousal in women may include: 

  • Insufficient vaginal lubrication 
  • Inadequate sexual stimulation
  • Anxiety
  • Problems with blood flow problems to the vagina and clitoris 
  • Certain medications
    • Anticholinergics
    • Antihistamines
    • Antihypertensives
    • Psychoactive medications

Causes of problems with desire in women may include: 

Causes of problems with orgasm in women may include: 

  • Inexperience
  • Lack of knowledge
  • Insufficient stimulation
  • Psychological factors such as guilt, anxiety, or past sexual trauma or abuse
  • Sexual inhibition
  • Chronic diseases 
  • Certain drugs or medications

Causes of problems with sexual pain in women may include: 

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Poor lubrication
  • Vaginitis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Endometriosis
  • A pelvic mass
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Scar tissue from a past surgery
  • Vaginismus (a painful, involuntary spasm of the muscles that surround the vaginal entrance is a condition) may occur in women who fear penetration will be painful, have sexual phobias, or previous traumatic or painful sexual experiences
Reviewed on 11/30/2022
Image source: iStock Images



