What Does a High BNP Mean?

What Is BNP?

A high BNP blood test result may indicate worsening heart failure. BNP is a protein that increases in the presence of heart failure.
A high BNP blood test result may indicate worsening heart failure. BNP is a protein that increases in the presence of heart failure.

BNP stands for B-type natriuretic peptide, which is a type of protein that increases in the body when heart failure worsens.  

BNP is measured using a blood test. 

What Is a BNP test Used For?

The measurement of BNP helps to establish the diagnosis of heart failure (HF) or to determine if existing heart failure has worsened. 

What Is the Range for BNP?

  • The normal range for BNP is less than 100 pg/mL.
  • High: More than 400 pg/mL
  • Between 100-400 pg/mL requires a doctor’s evaluation

What Does a High BNP Mean?

A BNP between 100-400 pg/mL may be considered a “gray zone,” and a diagnosis depends on a careful physical examination and additional testing to determine the cause. 

A BNP greater than 400 pg/mL indicates that heart failure is likely.

Other conditions that are associated with a high BNP other than congestive heart failure include: 
